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Question 1

A(n) _____ provides peace of mind in knowing the investments made in a security management solution today will be future-proof, and provides maximum flexibility in how a solution is deployed, with simplified integrations and reduced development costs through the leveraging of industry protocols and hardware. 


Question 2

Anytime accessibility is one of the reasons that companies move the security operations to the cloud. _____ provide facilities and security personnel with immediate insights and alerts from video monitoring, intrusion detection, access control, alarm management, and building management operations.

Question 3

True or false? Convenience, versatility, flexibility and efficiency are all benefits of using the cloud for enterprise solutions.


Question 4

One key requirement, _____, is crucial because it ensures that a multilayered cloud solution is designed with SSL and TSL encryption, so that it can protect communications between controllers, workstations, and mobile devices. Another important factor is two-factor authentication, which can help ensure access to only those authorized users.


Question 5

An attractive benefit of the cloud is the considerable savings companies can realize because of a _____. Cloud implementations only require a minimal upfront investment because secured servers – as well as development, support, and maintenance – are managed by the service providers.


Question 6

_____, with a current and holistic view of security operations, is a critical component of a building security solution. As events, transactions, alarms, and other instances are occurring, security teams can see synchronized updates without any latency or delays through capabilities such as push notifications


Question 7

An IDC Energy Insights report found that ____ of respondents considered total cost of ownership as the single most important consideration for choosing a cloud service.

Question 8

With a move to the cloud, organizations can take advantage of ______ that provides high performance, mobile access, and easier maintenance, deployment, and scalability.


Question 9

Because of the innovation and cost savings of a cloud implementation, an organization’s investment creates a ­­­­______. There is no need to plan and prepare for massive updates and upgrades of existing systems, or extensive build-outs to replace outdated technology. The cloud provider takes care of all of that, with systems that are continually up-to-date and at the forefront of evolving technology.


Question 10

 A 2016 State of the Cloud Survey, conducted by Right Scale, found that ­­­_____ of the IT professionals who responded said they are already using the cloud for many enterprise solutions – such as email and voicemail services, human resources (HR) systems, customer relationship management (CRM), and data storage.


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